Daystar Church
Gospel and Worship--
the joy of our lives and the foundation of our ministry
"Sing to the Lord all the earth. Proclaim his salvation day after day."
1 Chronicles 16:23

Every Sunday, we come together as Daystar Church to worship God, preach the word, and pray together.
We started on November 7, 2021 with a handful of people and some borrowed benches. We hadn't been planning on starting the church yet, but God spoke to Pastor Irene. God reminded us that worship and the gospel should be the foundation of our ministry; people need deliverance and healing in Christ as much as in their physical bodies. So, we cut down some trees, borrowed some benches, and put out the word---Daystar Church is starting!
Our relationships with our Muslim neighbors are deepening and our numbers are growing. Between 100 and 200 people attend church each Sunday, and through our Sunday services, marketplace outreaches, and evangelistic conferences, we've seen 150 people come to Christ!
Every Sunday evening, we go out to the marketplace and preach the gospel. When we first began, one woman gave her life to Christ right in front of the tomato stall. She is now an integral member of our church.
When we first came to Namalemba, we met a little boy named Kulusein. He was suffering from severe malnutrition, and his grandmother, having already buried one of her grandchildren, had lost hope for Kulusein as well. We took him to the hospital, paid for his treatment, but three days later, he passed away. We mourned his death with his grandmother and his siblings, and have continued to walk alongside this family. When we met Kulusein's grandmother, she was suffering from chronic pain and spiritual nightmares, and had lost hope for herself and her grandchildren. But gradually, she started coming to Daystar Church, and she started experiencing the healing of presence of God. We've prayed for her, and God delivered her from her diseases and spiritual attacks! She got baptized and now works at Daystar as a cook for the school----a new chapter of life filled with new hope!
Praise the Lord. We pray for spiritual revival here in Namalemba and that ever more people will come to know the lifechanging hope and joy of Christ.