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Incredible Progress!


Updated: Oct 19, 2021

We are so excited about what's happening at Daystar! We're continuing to provide monthly food and hygiene supplies to local families in need, and now are also providing clean water to the neighborhood. We've started raising 500 chickens which will make the ministry more financially sustainable, and we are SO CLOSE to being able to open Daystar Medical Center which will make affordable, quality healthcare a reality for the families of Namalemba village. God has granted us favor with the local leaders of our predominantly Muslim village. One village leader even offered to let us use his nearby home free of charge as housing for Daystar staff members. Praise the Lord for his amazing provision! We are so grateful to all our generous donors, including The Forgotten International and Lighthouse Christian Church.


Last month we were able to complete a borehole to provide water for our ministry and our Namalemba neighbors. Instead of a long walk to a dam of dirty water, our neighbors can now hop down to Daystar and pump the clean water they need! Every evening, women and children from the surrounding homes have been gathering to collect water. Simple and lifechanging!


We've plastered the walls, finished the floors and ceilings, fitted glass to the windows, and painted inside and out. With the help of some of our Namalemba neighbors, we cleaned the new building and started setting up the exam room and the male, female, and pediatric wards. We've installed solar panels, set up the lights, and acquired the medical equipment we need to start providing services. Community members are already stopping by and asking for treatment!

According to the Ugandan Ministry of Health, Ugandans spend an average of 45% of their income on healthcare. Because of the exorbitant cost and lack of accessibility, many people die of preventable diseases. By bringing a clinic within walking distance, keeping overhead costs low, and emphasizing health education and preventative care, this medical center will have a transformative impact on the health of our community. We will offer both inpatient and outpatient services, and anticipate the majority of our work will be treating malaria, pneumonia, malnutrition, and hypertension. In addition, we will also offer laboratory services (testing for malaria, HIV, typhoid, hemoglobin levels, glucose levels, and more), as well as minor surgeries, immunizations, health education, and family planning. We pray that God will use this medical center to save lives and give hope.

All we need to do now is officially register the medical center (about $150 USD), complete our startup drug supply (about $300 USD), and save money to pay the first 4-6 months of staff wages (about $4500 USD). After the first few months, we are confident that the clinic revenue will be able to support staff salaries and continuing supply costs. Contribute to get this clinic started.


We are now the proud guardians of 500 baby chicks! These little guys (actually gals) are busy eating and growing big enough to lay eggs. When they are about 6 months old, they will begin laying.

There's a large market for eggs here, for both local consumption and export to Kenya. After about ten months, egg production will drop significantly so we will sell off these chickens and start the cycle over again with new baby chicks (this type of chicken cannot lay eggs that will hatch into new chicks). After feed and labor costs, as well as the costs of starting the next chicken cycle, we anticipate that these 500 chickens will deliver about $2700 in profit which we will use to support Daystar families and expand the ministry. Subsequent chicken cycles will be even more profitable as we plant more corn to offset feed costs and increase the number of chickens.

Daystar team member Simon (pictured in blue) is committed to caring for the chickens. They just received their vaccinations (pictured on right) and are getting ready to move into the main part of the chicken house. We've also hired a nighttime security guard to ensure the safety of the chickens from predators and thieves.


Grateful for the ways Daystar is serving the community, a Muslim village leader offered us an unexpected blessing. He owns a six room building right next to our land and has welcomed Daystar to use the space as rent-free staff housing for the next year or two as we establish our ministry and site. We are so grateful for the bridges we are building with our Muslim neighbors and the outpouring of community support!


Thank you for being on this journey with us. We praise the Lord for his faithfulness and eagerly anticipate what the next months bring! Get Involved.



leonard nambasi
leonard nambasi
29 de jan. de 2022

A great touch on the community, well done Daystar


Isaiah Lwalinda
Isaiah Lwalinda
20 de out. de 2021

Incredible indeed. Thank you Daystar team; both national and International.

Irene Ganiriza
Irene Ganiriza
20 de out. de 2021
Respondendo a

To God be the Glory


Irene Ganiriza
Irene Ganiriza
19 de out. de 2021


its incredible indeed.

what shall we render to Jehovah for He has done so very much for Daystar.

thank you so much friends and partners and donors of daystar Evangelical Ministries. We love you and pray that the Good Lord bless you.

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